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Miacademy Research

This was a research project conducted for the Miacademy K-12 Online learning program with the goal of classifying and improving the reward systems present in Miacademy's learning programs to improve and gamify the student learning experience. My findings will help shape Miacademy's revamp of their system in the coming months.​


System Analysis

My first task for this project was a heuristic analysis of the present reward system. To do this, I played through the core subjects in the 3rd grader education track and noted the general play loop, reward systems, reward rate, and the positive and negative behaviroal reinforcements used. I did the same for Miacademy's casual game area: My World. I then summaried and presented my findings to my contact at Miacademy with suggestions for improvements to drive engagement.

A summary of my findings can be seen at the PDF to the right.


Gamification Research (Duolingo)

After my initial assessment, I was tasked with exploreing the gamification methods of other software. To this end, I did a heuristic analysis of the methods present in Duolingo to see what methods could work if applied to Miacademy's core systems.


A breakdown of my findings can be read at the PDF to the right.


Additional gamification Research

I also did some additional research into Gamification methods, focusing on a few GDC talks recommended by Miacademy and professors at UCSC. My findings and insights can be read at the link to the right.

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